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One for the History books! Farewell to School Council Chair - Fraser Perrin

30 November 2023

One for the history books!

After six decades, the old TSS Day Houses have been replaced today marking the official opening of the highly anticipated new Day Houses.

After 20 years of service to our school, School Council Chairman Fraser Perrin was farewelled in true TSS style with a way cry at the launch of the new building.

To honour Fraser’s commitment to the school, the courtyard at the front of the new Day Houses has been named the Fraser Perrin Precinct.

Fraser was School Captain in 1984 and has helped guide our school for 20 years on School Council. His vision, care and wisdom has undoubtedly contributed to the TSS experience for thousands of graduates and their families.

Thank you Fraser, your unwavering support has been instrumental to so many boys’ lives.