Enrol Now

New Students

Term Dates 2025

Term 1 Wednesday 29 January – Thursday 3 April

Term 2 Tuesday 22 April – Thursday 19 June

Term 3 Tuesday 15 July – Thursday 18 September

Term 4 Wednesday 8 October – Thursday 27 November


Year 7 Transition Day

Admissions Handbooks

School Maps

Prep Campus MapSenior Campus Map


The TSS Store is located at the top Ferry Road Carpark at the Senior School. Click on the map below to enlarge. Entry is via the Drury Avenue lights on Ferry Road, opposite Zarraffas Coffee.

Click here for information on The Store


Preparatory School

All stationery, textbooks and computer software for students in Preschool to Year 6 are included in the tuition fee.

Senior School Stationery

All textbooks are provided by TSS. These online textbooks are available for students in Schoolbox once subject classes are confirmed. The Southport School has appointed Box of Books for the provision of digital and physical education resources for the 2025 academic year.

As a part of this service Box of Books provides parents with a range of value added products to provide a convenient solution for parents to support their students with back to school resources and content to support their success.

For physical books, stationery and resources, Box of Books provides a convenient home delivery service and for any digital workbooks, these items are immediately available in your students Box of Books account. N.B. TSS provides all text books but workbooks may be required to be purchased in some subjects.

To ensure you receive your physical items in time for the start of the 2025 academic school year on 1st October 2024, please place your order as soon as possible.

Steps to order:

  1. Visit Box of Books Shop to create a new account
  2. Add each student, including their school email address if possible, and select school and year group (your son’s student email is his student number followed by @student.tss.qld.edu.au as per following example [email protected])
  3. Select the items you wish to purchase from the booklist shown
  4. Use the checkout to organise postage direct to your nominated address (there is a delivery option for Boarders to have packs delivered to TSS) and complete payment

N.B. TSS provides Digital versions of all required text books (where nominated by a particular faculty) and these will be available in your child’s Box of Books account through The Southport School’s Learning Management System – Schoolbox.

Box of Books looks forward to supporting your child’s learning through their world leading digital platform and 100% COVID safe home delivery service for physical resources for school families.

Please see the video below on how Box of Books works and how we will work together to support your child’s ongoing educational needs.

Box of Books – Service Overview

For further assistance, please see this video guide on How to Purchase Books or contact the Box of Books team through the in-app support function (located at the bottom right corner of the shop).

Stationery List

Year 12

Device Programs

Years 7 to 12 BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Program BYOD Information

Years 5 and 6 Device Program BYOD Information

TSS Cafés – Tastes & Old Gym

TSS students can purchase their morning tea or lunch from Tastes Café (Preparatory Campus) or Old Gym Café (Senior Campus). All menu items have been reviewed by our Wellbeing Health Team to ensure they align with the National Healthy Schools Canteen Guidelines, as well as our MENS Menu Guidelines – an initiative which educates our boys on making functional, whole food choices, to meet their daily needs. To support this initiative, our menu options are labelled with one of our MENS pillars (Mindfulness, Exercise, Nutrition, Sleep), to guide choices around foods that ‘calm the nervous system (M), fuel the body (E), nourish the gut and strengthen immunity (N), and promote repair (S)’.

Daily Specials are released weekly and can be found on Flexischools, our online ordering system (https://www.flexischools.com.a...). Parents can easily set up a free account, load credit, and pre-purchase their son’s meal. Alternatively, both outlets accept EFTPOS, cash (Prep only) and pre-loaded Student ID cards (Senior only).

For all MENS Menu enquiries, please email [email protected], or our Wellbeing Health Promotion Officer, Ms Caitlin Anderson, [email protected].

Car Parking & Student Drop Off

Senior Campus

Parents can access the Centenary Centre parking or Library Car Park (top of school off Ferry Road) if they are dropping or picking boys up from school.

Parents are prohibited from driving past the bus turnaround leading up to the main school.

In the interests of the welfare of our boarding community, it is imperative that there is minimal traffic on campus where our boys reside.

Prep Campus

Parents are asked to keep in mind these few tips to help keep our traffic flowing.

  1. Please avoid using College Avenue
    Having to let cars into the Lupus Street queue from College Avenue causes difficulties. Also, it would be good to give our long suffering neighbours of College Avenue some relief.
  2. Drive-through Pick Up
    Everyone who wants to pick their son up from the drive-through pick up shelter MUST enter the carpark via Lupus Street. Parents who enter via Brolga Avenue and then attempt to cross over lanes to the pick up shelter, create delays.
  3. Park and Go
    Our observations clearly demonstrate that the quickest way in and out of the school is to enter via Brolga Avenue and then park in one of the three rows of car parks. We now have a crossing supervisor manning the pedestrian crossing and boys can safely cross over to their parents parked car. Parents wishing to park MUST enter via Brolga Avenue. Parents who enter via Lupus Street and then try to cross over and park create delays.
  4. Arrive a little later
    By 3.45pm each day the car park is virtually empty. Arrive between 3.45pm and 4.00pm and you will drive in and out.
  5. Do not leave your car if you are in the Drive-through lane
    Please do not park and leave your vehicle in the drive through lane – even for just a moment. The success of the drive-through depends on keeping the traffic flowing. Drive right down as far as you can, do not stop mid-way down.
  6. Heading North? Use Warehouse Road and Harvest Court
    The traffic lights at Harvest Court stay green longer than the ones at the top of Brolga Avenue and by using both sets of lights parents will halve the time it takes to get through.

School Portal

TSS offers access to day-to-day information including handy items such as: Link to Sports Website, Daily Notices, payment of school fees, tour bookings, team lists, calendars and events, videos & streaming of games and events.

Login and password details will be issued to parents via email.

Facebook Groups

The Southport School has many closed facebook groups to support communication between our parents. Please note that all questions need to be answered correctly before admission to the closed groups can be confirmed.