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Scholarships and Bursaries

Preparatory (Primary) School Academic Scholarships

Years 3-6

Applications are now closed for 2025.

The TSS Preparatory (Primary) School offers four Academic Scholarships every year, providing a reduction in fees. As the number 1 Academic Primary School on the Gold Coast, we pride ourselves on our exceptional teaching staff and learning pathways on offer at TSS Preparatory School.

TSS Preparatory School has two Honours Classes designed specifically for high achieving students who study at an accelerated standard. Not all academic scholarship holders have to enter these specialist classes.

TSS Preparatory Honours Classes

  • Combined Year 3/4 class
  • Combined Year 5/6 class

If your son has a strong record of school achievement and/or has been identified as gifted & talented, we encourage you to apply for an Academic Primary School Scholarship at TSS. With scholarships on offer for students in Years 3-6, boys can apply and sit the exam in Years 2 -5 for entry the following school year. If your son is shining at his Primary School, particularly in his early years, this is a brilliant opportunity for him to join TSS, where his talents will be further developed, and his full potential explored.

Applicants will be required to sit assessments in English, Mathematics and general knowledge. Their prior academic record will be taken into account, and they will be required to undertake an interview.

Applications Open

Monday 4 March 

Parent Information Evening

Tuesday 23 April

Applications Close

Friday 5 July

Email to Parent with Test Day details

Monday 8 July

Testing Day

Tuesday 30 July

Offers of placement

Friday 23 August

Each year The Southport School welcomes Bursary and Scholarship applications in January for the following academic year. Due to the generosity of Old Boys, parents, friends and endowments, the School is fortunate to offer a range of awards to talented boys who embrace the academic, sport and cultural aspects of a school such as ours. Some scholarships are means-tested and all are subject to specific terms and conditions.

Academic Scholarship

Applications are now CLOSED for 2025.

Academic Testing was conducted Friday 23 February 2024.

A number of full and partial scholarships are available for boys entering Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 in 2025.

The scholarships are awarded on the basis of a competitive examination. Four scholarships providing 100% remission of tuition fees to new external applicants will be awarded for exceptional academic students who demonstrate high independent aptitude to studies, creative thinking and achieve notable academic results.

There are also partial scholarships for both new and external students and current students which vary and offer remission on annual tuition fees provided the student adheres to the scholarship conditions. Scholarships are awarded by the Headmaster after selected applicants are interviewed. The value of the scholarship is at the Headmaster’s discretion.

EXTERNAL STUDENTS must sit the Academic Scholarship test.

CURRENT STUDENTS are ascertained using TSS Learning Analytic Tracking and are NOT REQUIRED to sit the test, nor pay, however an expression of interest is required. Tracking results will be monitored throughout the year and presented to Headmaster in September. Outcomes will be delivered to candidates early Term 4, 2024.

Academic Scholarship Application Requirements
The scholarship examination for external applicants will be held on Friday 23 February 2024 at the Senior School. The scholarship application fee is $110.

Please note that only the documentation submitted by applicants will be submitted to Headmaster for consideration – the School is not in a position to obtain information on behalf of applicants. It is recommended that applicants refer to the application check-list. Photos of documents will not be accepted.

Details will be issued to applicants just prior to the testing date confirming key details including what to bring on the day.

Please note students are only permitted to sit the Academic Scholarship Test once per calendar year.

H.J. King Memorial Scholarship for Music

Applications are now closed for entry in 2025.

Audition times to be advised.

These scholarships are named after Henry John King, who was the second organist and Master of the Choristers of St Alban’s Chapel. He was responsible for the design of the present Chapel organ, and served the school from 1922 to 1932. Henry John King was a noted musician and was much in demand as an adjudicator of eisteddfodau etc. Above all, his lasting contribution to The Southport School was the establishment of a boys’ choir in St Alban’s Chapel. This tradition has continued to the present day.

The value of each scholarship is the remission of one third of the annual school tuition fees, as well as tuition fees for a weekly one hour lesson on a nominated instrument. The H.J. King Scholarship is offered to students entering the school in Year 7 and above. No scholarship fee applies.

The Southport School Music Department will review the applicants being considered for a H.J. King Memorial Scholarship and makes selections based on the following criteria:

  • academic and personal references
  • a series of aural tests
  • instrumental or singing audition

Student Expectations

1.An H.J. King scholarship is offered to eligible students entering Years 7, 10 and 11.

2. The scholarship holder shall give priority to music rehearsals and performances over other activities.

a. Attendance at rehearsals for ensembles must be at 85% or higher; attendance at concerts must be 100%. Any absenteeism from concerts must be addressed via email to the Directors of Music.

3. An H.J. King scholarship holder shall demonstrate commitment to, and enthusiasm for, the school’s music program.

4. An H.J. King scholarship holder shall take classroom music in Years 9 to 10 as one of his academic subjects.

5. An H.J. King scholarship holder shall be a member of the core ensemble for his instrument/voice.

a. A core ensemble for the following instruments

i. All Woodwind, Brass and Percussion Instruments – Concert Band (Grainger Band/Sparke Senior Winds)

ii. All String Instruments – Sarasate and Wieniawski Strings

iii. Voice – Year 7 Choir, Senior Choir

iv. Piano – Consultation with Director of Music

6. An H.J. King scholarship holder shall be a member of a school choir

7. An H.J. King scholarship holder shall have his award reviewed annually in Term 3

a. The review will involve a performance at the HJK Music Scholarship soiree evening and a meeting where the following criteria will be discussed:

i. Attendance at rehearsals and concerts

ii. Feedback from instrumental teacher

iii. Exam preparation and results

iv. Classroom Music diligence and academic performance

v. Student goal setting

8. Successful applicants shall learn from full-time faculty members, unless unavailable.

a. Approval from the Directors of Music must be sought if applicants wish to learn externally. If approved, please note that tuition fees will not be paid by the school.

9. Holders of an H.J. King Scholarship are permitted to perform in ensembles or organisations outside the school, however, priority must be given to the school’s musical commitments.

10. Exams: Music scholars will be required to take exams on their instrument from a recognised examination authority (AMEB, TCL etc).

a. Guidance for an exam schedule will be advised by the students’ instrumental/vocal teacher.

General information to be included on the application for

The minimum AMEB or equivalent level, or relative ability, to be chosen to sit for a scholarship audition for entry into Year 7 is as follows: -

  • Piano Grade 5 AMEB or equivalent level
  • Band instruments Grade 3 AMEB or equivalent level
  • Violin, viola, cello Grade 3 AMEB or equivalent level
  • Double bass Grade 3 AMEB or equivalent level
  • Voice Grade 2 AMEB or equivalent level
  • Guitar, drum kit Grade 4 AMEB or equivalent level

For students in Year 8 and above, the addition of one Music Grade per year level will give an appropriate level for the consideration of an audition offer.

Students with particular gifting or ability, who do not fall into the categories above, should contact the Directors of Music to discuss the possibility of an audition.

General Excellence Scholarship – Sport

Applications are now CLOSED for entry in 2025. Deadline for submissions was 1 March 2024.

General Excellence scholarships are awarded to selected boys who currently compete at State or National level in one or more of the 14 GPS Sports. Scholarships vary between 10% and 50% remission of the annual tuition fees for a specified period of time. https://www.tsssportqld.com/

Applications are accepted from boarders and day boys who will be entering Years 9, 10 or 11. (NB: In exceptional circumstances scholarships may be awarded to boys entering Year 7 or 8). Scholarships are awarded to a boy that we feel has the potential to progress to the next level, possess a growth mind-set and is desperate to learn and develop. Scholarships in the past have been awarded to boys with a positive attitude, leadership skills and commendable application, to academics.

The School only offers a small number of scholarships each year. The process is long, exhaustive and very competitive. Not all applicants who meet the basic criteria are awarded scholarships. On the whole boys on General Excellence Scholarships are performing at State or National selection level and displaying strong diligence in the classroom.

Applicants must support their Scholarship Application with school reports and two referees’ reports outlining their suitability for a General Excellence Scholarship at The Southport School. One referee report must be from a school coach or teacher, and the other from a recognised club or Regional, State, National or International coach in the applicant’s chosen sport.

Scholarship applicants are encouraged to provide evidence they possess excellent leadership skills and are able to display the correct attitude and application towards the whole life of the school.

Student Expectations

  • A scholarship holder will endeavour to perform at an academic level commensurate with his ability. A diligence of no less than 2.5 is an expectation of a General Excellence recipient.
  • In all areas of school life, a scholarship holder must understand that he bears significant responsibility as a talented sports student. You will be seen as a positive role model within the school and show considerable commitment to sport and fully support the ethos of the School.
  • You will be expected to represent the school in your main sport and any other GPS sports you are selected in.
  • You will have access to a number of top coaches at the school and will be expected to attend associated training sessions, camps, preseason and GPS Championship events. When you are selected to represent the School, this must have priority over all other sporting commitments.
  • There is a strong sporting ethos at The Southport School and this is also reflected in the House Sporting competitions. As a talented sports student you will be expected to take an active role within the House and take part in the different sports and cultural events throughout the year. The General Excellence Scholarship will be reviewed annually with special reference made to your sports involvement and all round performance in the House and Academic activities.
  • It is very important that confidentiality is maintained if accepting a General Excellence Scholarship at The Southport School. Offers are not to be discussed with students and parents at the School or within the local community.

Creative Art Scholarship

Applications are now CLOSED for entry in 2025 and deadline for submissions was Wednesday 14 February 2024.

Available to students entering Years 7 to 11 and is open to any secondary senior student (enrolled, registered and non-registered at TSS). It is strongly encouraged for outside students to apply for this scholarship. The scholarship is awarded to a deserving student (or students) on the basis of a portfolio, scholastic achievement and the candidate’s personal statement.

The value of the Creative Art Scholarship varies and offers remission of tuition fees for one year only. The recipient will be reviewed during the year in terms of performance and contributions to the Art program. Recipients are invited to apply, along with other interested students for the Creative Art Scholarship for the following year.

This scholarship is awarded to a deserving student (or students) on the basis of a portfolio, scholastic achievement and the candidate’s personal statement.

Competitive scholarships are open to any secondary senior student (enrolled, registered and non-registered at TSS). Scholarships are administered by the admissions office, however, recipients are selected by the Art Faculty based upon the scholarship applicant’s portfolio and previous academic achievement.

Portfolio Guidelines
The Southport School Art Department (Preparatory and Senior School) will review the portfolio being considered for a Creative Art Scholarship. The Art Faculty reviews portfolios and makes selections based on the following criteria.

  • Creativity and originality
  • Design and drawing skills / writing or multimedia production skills
  • Technical achievement
  • Academic achievement and diligence

Students are encouraged to submit a representative collection of 6-10 art works (including two (2) drawings) in a range of media which demonstrates artistic talent, originality and technical development to date. the collection must be the candidate’s own work from the past two years. The portfolio should be neatly presented and photographs of 3D works are encouraged.

Each work should have your name, media, and an accompanying artist statement on the reverse side of the artwork (or similar).

Submit a completed application along with a written statement expressing career goals and personal commitment to the pursuit of excellence in creative art.

The Southport School Art Faculty will select candidates on the basis of the merit of all works submitted. Selection will be based upon:

  1. Art Faculties opinions concerning talent, originality and potential for success.
  2. Scholastic achievement based upon transcripts of school reports.
  3. Candidate’s personal statement expressing career goals and commitment to the pursuit of excellence in creative art.

Student Expectations
It is expected that the student awarded a scholarship will exhibit their artwork produced during the scholarship year in St. Alban’s gallery.

Foundation Scholarship
Year 6

Applications are now CLOSED for entry in 2025 and deadline for submissions was 1 March 2024.

The Foundation Scholarship is offered by The Southport School Foundation and is open only to boys who will study Year 6 in 2024, who are currently not attending TSS and who would be unable to attend TSS without scholarship support. This scholarship offers a remission of fees for Year 6 until the normal time of graduation in Year 12. The value of the scholarship can vary at Headmaster’s discretion depending on the calibre of the boy’s application.

Awarded to boys who are well-rounded students and able to contribute to the general life of the school. Applicants are selected for an interview based on the application and supporting documentation. The Headmaster may require family income information to assess financial need.

Indigenous Scholarship

Indigenous Scholarships at The Southport School are offered through the Yalari Program. These scholarships are on offer for boys enrolling from Year 7 for the following year. Yalari applications for regional and remote children will open in the first week of January.

For further information and application form, please visit the Yalari website.

Old Southportonians’ Association bursaries

Applications are now CLOSED for entry in 2025.

The OSA provides a limited number of bursaries of discretionary amounts annually for Senior School students, dependent upon funds available.

OSA bursaries are made possible by the generosity of Old Boys with donations and bequests. These Old Boys have an earnest and heartfelt wish for continuing generations of boys to have the same opportunity to benefit from a stellar education and the lifelong connection as Old Boys. For the fortunate recipients of a bursary, it is considered a gift that may hopefully be paid forward in the fullness of time to allow other young men to attend The Southport School.

The OSA, TSS and students are deeply grateful to Old Boys for their foresight in donating or bequeathing to the OSA’s bursary program which transforms lives. Please contact [email protected] for more information.

1. General Bursary applications

Available for application to existing and new students. These bursaries are designed to help provide a Senior School educational opportunity for qualifying students whose families may not be able to meet all associated costs due to short-term unforeseen financial circumstances.

General Bursaries are awarded per student for one school year. In extenuating circumstances, a second year may be considered and requires a new application via the annual process on the TSS website. Kindly note that bursaries are limited to a maximum of two successful applications per student with a maximum of one-year duration each.

2. Trust fund bursary applications

i) Dr JR Nimmo Bursary
Open to all students entering Year 11 or 12 who intend to pursue a career in the medical faculty. This is a two-year bursary (subject to conditions other than financial need; and annual performance review for second year). This bursary may be awarded every second year (currently awarded for 2024, the next round of applications for 2026 will be in 2025).

ii) Tritton Bursary
Open to all students entering Year 8 or 9, whose family may be experiencing short-term financial hardship. This is a two-year bursary (subject to conditions; annual performance review; and financial review for second year), which may be considered for extension of another two years upon application, and then may be considered for a fifth year upon application (subject to conditions; annual performance review; and financial review for each consideration). This bursary may be awarded every second year, dependent upon funds available and demand. Applications are open for the 2025 school year.

3. Bursary selection process

Criteria for bursary selection, except for the Dr JR Nimmo Bursary, includes short-term financial need. A comprehensive financial assessment will be required, so please follow the instructions in the application process, which includes provision of relevant and supportive income and asset information.

Bursaries are partial awards towards the cost of tuition and applications are assessed using fund rules and a transparent metric process.

Successful applicants for either Academic, Music, Creative Art, Sport, Foundation Scholarships, General Excellence and Country Boarder Bursaries are generally not eligible to receive an OSA Bursary.

All applications are strictly confidential and will be reviewed only by members of the OSA Bursary Committee, TSS Headmaster and TSS Admissions Registrar.

Country Boarder Bursary

Applications are now CLOSED for 2025. Deadline for submissions was 1 March 2024.

A small number of bursaries are available to support the attendance at TSS of country boys who would otherwise be unable to enrol.

The Headmaster takes in to account previous family affiliations and a family’s ability to afford the fees. Parents applying for a Country Boarder Bursary are asked to complete a financial statement which will be conveyed confidentially to the Headmaster.

Bursary values vary and offer remission on annual tuition fees only.

Boarding fees are not discounted.