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Preparatory School

We champion young learners

Secondary and tertiary education are often organised around subjects and disciplines, whereas at TSS, we believe primary schooling should be structured around the boys and their needs and interests. Our classrooms are characterised by enjoyment, engagement, discovery and curiosity. We want students to experience wonder and excitement and encourage them to take risks, as well as to take increasing responsibility for their learning; becoming independent learners.

We believe the Primary years, Preschool - Year 6, are distinctive and provide a very special period in a child’s life, where engagement is nurtured and positive learning behaviours developed.

TSS Preparatory School teachers form close and sustained relationships with their students, appreciating how important mutual respect is for maximising learning potential. Our teachers have a deep understanding of how boys learn and what methodologies and strategies resonate with them. They combine careful attention to the developmental stage of each individual, with high expectations and genuine support. Teachers balance the need for explicit teaching of core concepts, knowledge and skills, with innovative ways of encouraging cooperative work, research and problem solving.

In developing students to become young men of intellectual character, we believe it is essential to provide a curriculum designed for the ‘whole boy’, encouraging a positive approach to education and an enduring love of learning.

Key educational features of the Preparatory School

  • English, Mathematics, Science, and HaSS (Humanities and Social Sciences).
  • Literacy Programs – incorporating individualised and differentiated offerings.
  • Mathematics - providing accelerated pathways and differentiation for all students.
  • Honours Program – a class program suitable for highly focused and self-motivated students.
  • Digital and Design Technologies Program – including an engineering focused ‘Boy’s Shed’ and incorporating coding, droning, 3D printing and robotics.
  • Learning supported by integrated computer technology; including a BYOD program for boys in Years 5 and 6.
  • Specialist library - dedicated to the needs and interest of boys.
  • Music Program – inclusive of class Music and co-curricular music opportunities.
  • Health and Physical Education – providing an extensive range of curricular and co-curricular sports and pathways.
  • Visual Arts Program – developing creativity through specialised programs and visiting artists.
  • Academic Talent Development Program - catering for those students identified through data, as talented across varied domains.
  • LOTE - (Language Other Than English) – Chinese languages program teaching foundational Chinese language skills.