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USA College Testing


Our students consistently achieve high academic results ensuring entry to many commendable universities and tertiary pathways both in Australia and abroad.

An increasing number of TSS students are now attending universities and colleges internationally, in particular the United States and the United Kingdom.

We encourage our students to seek opportunities far afield and support their quest as they pursue prestigious institutions.

The Southport School is an accredited open international test centre in Australia for the US College Board, offering the full suite of college entrance testing including SAT, PSAT 8/9, PSAT 10, PSAT/NMSQT and Advanced Placement (AP) exams, as well as the ACT standardised college entrance test, and has proven to be an invaluable asset to the School and the boys’ awareness of external prospects.

Our students also have opportunities to meet with international and national universities and colleges on their regular visits to The Southport School.


The Southport School is an open accredited international test centre in Australia for the US College Board. The SAT tests are conducted on allocated Saturday mornings in the Broomhead Lecture Theatre at The Southport School. Testing commences at 8.00am (please plan to arrive no later than 7:30am for pre-test registration); testing concludes at approximately 11.00am. Late arrivals will not be admitted once testing has commenced.

The Southport School is also accredited to conduct the US College Board PSAT suite of testing throughout the year which valuably prepares Year 10 and 11 students for the SAT test generally taken in Year 12. Please see below for further information on PSAT examinations.

SAT test dates for 2025 academic year are as follows:

  • March 8 cancelled (makeup March 22)
  • May 3
  • June 7
  • August 23
  • September 13
  • October 4
  • November 8
  • December 6

Students wishing to take the SAT are first required to open a student account with the US College Board. Students are then able to register to take the SAT on their preferred testing date, noting that registration is made directly via College Board.

The Southport School is SAT Test Centre Number 87361. The Test Centre Supervisors are Ms Katrina Martin and Mrs Helen McCleary who can be contacted at uspathways@tss.qld.edu.au

Test Day

Testing format is via Bluebook Digital Testing. All test takers are advised they must bring their own devices for use on test day. Please refer to U.S. College Board for specifics.

Parking or drop off to access the testing venue is best accessed by the Ferry Road entrance. Testing for the SAT is administered in the Broomhead Lecture Theatre (school map building #46).

The Southport School is Test Centre Number 87361. The Test Centre Supervisors are Ms Katrina Martin and Mrs Helen McCleary who can be contacted at uspathways@tss.qld.edu.au

Plan to arrive no later than 7:30am (for pre-test registration); testing concludes at approximately 11.00am. Late arrivals will not be admitted once testing has commenced.

**Entry to the school is off Ferry Road opposite Drury Avenue.


For those students interested in pursuing tertiary study in the USA, TSS offers the PSAT twice yearly in April and October, providing Year 10 and Year 11 test takers with an excellent opportunity to best prepare for the SAT. Students have the opportunity to access in-depth feedback on test result sub-scores, further providing critical insight on those areas that could most benefit from additional study or practice prior to sitting the SATs in their final year of school. The PSAT also importantly provides comparative results with that of others applying to college or university in the USA, allowing students to preview an estimate of their overall projected college readiness profile.

Additionally, Year 11 students who hold U.S. citizenship are automatically assessed for eligibility into the National Merit Scholarship Program via the PSAT/NMSQT offered in October, an academic program which recognises and qualifies students for scholarships in the United States. Students who are not U.S citizens will not be considered for NMSQT eligibility however will receive full PSAT10 score reports should they choose to test in October.

Please note U.S. College Board stipulates students in Year 10 and/or Year 11 are only permitted to take the PSAT a single time in any calendar year, either April or October.

Students interested in taking either the PSAT10 and/or the PSAT/NMSQT Test are asked to contact uspathways@tss.qld.edu.au for all further details.

The Southport School is PSAT Test Centre Number 700450.

The Test Centre Supervisors are Ms Katrina Martin and Mrs Helen McCleary who can be contacted at uspathways@tss.qld.edu.au

Test Day - Saturday 29 March 2025 - please contact via email to register: uspathways@tss.qld.edu.au

Testing format is via Bluebook Digital Testing. All test takers are advised they must bring their own devices for use on test day. Please refer to U.S. College Board for specifics.

Parking or drop off to access the testing venue is best accessed by the Ferry Road entrance. Testing for the PSAT10 and/or PSAT/NMSQT is administered in the Broomhead Lecture Theatre (school map building #46).

Plan to arrive no later than 7:30am for pre-test registration); testing concludes at approximately 11.00am. Late arrivals will not be admitted once testing has commenced.

PSAT 8/9

The Southport School will be offering limited places in the 2025 PSAT 8/9 test administration.

PSAT 8/9 test date for 2025 is as follows:

  • Date yet to be confirmed between October 1-31 2025

Students interested in taking the PSAT 8/9 are asked to contact uspathways@tss.qld.edu.au for all further details.

**Entry to the school is off Ferry Road opposite Drury Avenue.

AP Examinations

Most U.S. colleges grant credit, advanced placement, or both for qualifying Advanced Placement (AP) scores. AP exams are conducted at TSS aligned with US College Board calendared schedule, typically held over two weeks in May each year. Please refer to the College Board website for specific examination dates.

U.S College Board stipulates that students wishing to take an AP Exam must register directly with their preferred test centre. Students wishing to register with The Southport School must contact the TSS test centre directly for further registration details: uspathways@tss.qld.edu.au

The Southport School is AP Test Centre Number 700450. The Test Centre Supervisors are Ms Katrina Martin and Mrs Helen McCleary who can be contacted at uspathways@tss.qld.edu.au

Test Day

Parking or drop-off to access the test venue is best accessed by the Winchester Street entrance to The Southport School. Students are required register at front Reception prior to each test administration (school map building #11). Check in times will vary according to examinations. Registered students will be emailed with specific instructions prior to test day.


The ACT is a standardised online test alternative to the US College Board SAT that is widely accepted and used for college admissions in the USA. The Southport School is an accredited open testing centre for the ACT.

ACT test dates for Semester 2 2024 academic year are as follows:

  • 5 April 2025
  • 14 June 2025
  • 12 July 2025

Students wishing to take the ACT are first required to open a student account via the MyACT portal. Students are then able to register to take the ACT on their preferred testing date, noting that registration is made directly via MyACT.

The Southport School is ACT Test Centre Number 868290. Please contact Ms Katrina Martin or Mrs Helen McCleary at uspathways@tss.qld.edu.au if you have any further queries.

Test Day

Parking or drop off to access the testing venue is best accessed by the Ferry Road entrance. Testing for the ACT is administered in Room D1 located on the ground floor of the Dods Building (school map building #12). Check-in opens at 7:30am; testing commences at 8:00am.

Please contact Ms Katrina Martin or Mrs Helen McCleary at uspathways@tss.qld.edu.au if you have any further queries.