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Wellbeing Health Programs

The Southport School is committed to delivering a sector-leading wellbeing program for all students. Using an evidence-based approach, we combine the frameworks of positive psychology (PERMA) with national health priorities targeted specifically to young males.

Preparatory Students

We aim to establish a foundational knowledge and awareness of factors that influence our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing. This is achieved through a variety of programs.

Crunch&Sip - a 15-minute classroom break encouraging boys to ‘crunch’ on fresh vegetables and ‘sip’ on water.

Positive Play - an alternative play timetable offering activities such as Friends Club for social-emotional skill development and Zen Zone for mindfulness-based activities.

SMART Kids - delivering developmentally-appropriate information relating to road, sun and personal safety.

DRUG Smart – age-appropriate introduction to common medicines, parental permission, tobacco and vape education and first aid responses in an emergency.

Senior students

We aim to build upon knowledge around self-care and support students in the application of targeted strategies designed to achieve and promote an optimal state of health and wellbeing whilst here at school and into adulthood. This is achieved through several programs.

Teen Mental Health First Aid - an internationally accredited certification that teaches students how to identify and support a friend experiencing a mental health problem or crisis, and ways to involve a responsible and trusted adult.

MENS REMAP - a tailored weekly program offering a range of explicit learning opportunities in line with our wellbeing pillars including offerings such as mindfulness meditation, Recharge (restful sleep program a sleep program),Healthy Intimacy consent education and RESET (a body positive program).

The Wellbeing department also contributes to whole school educational programs focusing on respectful, healthy relationship education, drug awareness and support programs, and student protection.